New class of personalized assets

Owndated  Webquantums are self- created webjuris properties registered and accounted as the ownership creation by the fusion of 10€uros of bank-money parcels with the webdate of it datevaluation into Economy 4G3W using your personal webcashmotor.

Each of that personalized web-asset is 1 cell to generate cash results in cashkeeping mode.

Of course to obtain each OW, you have to personalizate 10€uros shifting it into your 1 accounted parcel of your live-savings . But at any moment you keep the right to reverse from your bank-finantial property. Because by your cashcall order you may shift again 1 OW = 10€uros.

The matter of personalized assets is it webpowered standard qualia with the link money-to-money in order to get webcashmatic plusvalues and it ability for cash multiply.

Perfection in your motor-for-savings. Can you ever achive it ? Go to your Mousephone 4G3W.

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